The Power of a Referral

I think we’ve all struggled at one time or another with what to believe about a product or a service. When it comes to lawyers, it can be a real challenge to select the best lawyer for your case, especially because it’s not a service most people research or need until something has happened in
Categorized: Class Action, Commercial Litigation, David Rebein, Dodge City, Estate & Trust Litigation, Personal Injury  |  Tagged: , , , , , , ,

The Power of a Referral

Fake news! I had never heard that term until a few months ago. No matter your politics, it is hard these days to know what to believe about a product or a service. When it comes to lawyers, it is a real challenge to select the best lawyer for your case. Some lawyers advertise but
Categorized: Class Action, Commercial Litigation, Dodge City, Estate & Trust Litigation, Personal Injury  |  Tagged: , , , ,