David Rebein & Rebein Brothers Law Firm Named to Best Lawyers/Best Law Firms 2023

Dodge City, KS – Attorney David Rebein has been named in the 29th edition of Best Lawyers in America 2023. The founding principle of Best Lawyers in America is to identify top legal talent. Inclusion in Best Lawyers is based on a rigorous peer-review survey. This year’s results were determined using more than 12.2 million confidential evaluations by top attorneys. It is exclusively these attorneys who selected this year’s honorees, which makes recognition in Best Lawyers a true reflection of talent in the industry.
The Rebein Brothers law firm has also been recognized for professional excellence and named in the 2023 edition of Best Law Firms. This is an extremely prestigious honor named to only one law firm per practice area within each metropolitan region.
Rebein Brothers law firm is recognized with Tier 1 inclusion, an award reserved for the highest scoring firms during the annual review process. Their work in Personal Injury has received consistently impressive ratings from clients and peers, achieving this high ranking.
The 13th edition of the U.S. News – Best Law Firms publication has become universally regarded as the definitive guide to legal excellence. Best Law Firms lists are also compiled based on an exhaustive peer-review evaluation. For 2022, more than 22,000 law firms were thoroughly reviewed with only 500 firms receiving a Tier 1 national law firm ranking.
Best Law Firms rankings are based on a collection of client and lawyer evaluations. However, to be eligible for a 2022 firm ranking, a law firm must have at least one lawyer recognized in the 29th Edition of the Best Lawyers in America.