Are we any safer?

I just returned from a three-day trucking conference in Texas where I furthered my education on truck accident cases. Often the most serious and even fatal injuries happen when people tangle with a semi-truck. Therefore, I need to know everything I can about trucks and traumatic injuries. I have spent a good part of the last five
Categorized: Kansas Accident Attorney, Personal Injury, Truck Accidents  |  Tagged: , , , , , ,

Who is Responsible For Accidents Involving Falling Cargo?

As a truck accident attorney, I often hear the question, ‘What happens if something falls off of a semi-trailer and causes a crash, injury or death?’ The answer is complicated, as are the cases in most instances. The responsible party can be hard to pinpoint. It’s likely that several people and/or companies are responsible for
Categorized: Car and truck accidents, Dodge City, Kansas Accident Attorney, Kansas injury attorney, Personal Injury  |  Tagged: , , , , , , , , ,

House Bill Increases Insurance Coverage of Semi Trucks to $2M

Congress is currently working on new legislation that would raise the minimum insurance coverage required to operate a semi-truck in the United States. H.R. 2 is a transportation bill, called the INVEST in America Act, that is moving through the US House. Of course, given the congressional focus on stimulus legislation and related Covid measures,
Categorized: Car and truck accidents, Dodge City, Kansas Accident Attorney, Kansas injury attorney  |  Tagged: , , , , , , ,

The Power of a Referral

I think we’ve all struggled at one time or another with what to believe about a product or a service. When it comes to lawyers, it can be a real challenge to select the best lawyer for your case, especially because it’s not a service most people research or need until something has happened in
Categorized: Class Action, Commercial Litigation, David Rebein, Dodge City, Estate & Trust Litigation, Personal Injury  |  Tagged: , , , , , , ,