It Takes a Village

It is true what they say, it takes a village. My Brother Paul and I have often remarked on the wonderful people that work with us. Assembling a great team is a big part of being able to help clients and we have amazing people in both Dodge City and Tampa. We surround ourselves with people that are just as passionate as we are about helping the people that find their way to our office.
But our village is bigger than that, we have friends and clients in our communities and across the country that sustain us with encouragement and with referrals. I am always amazed when a lawyer thinks enough of us to refer a case. You can’t do it by yourself and it is great to know that wherever we go we have friends we can call on. A referral is the highest compliment we can receive and many of our cases come from other lawyers that have a client, a friend or family member that is need of an attorney.
There are many ways that people might choose a lawyer these days, maybe from a television ad or even an internet search. But I am glad that good old “word of mouth referral” still works! It does take a village and we’re thankful that you’re part of ours.