Dodge City’s 150th Birthday!

This year Dodge City celebrates its 150th birthday. 150 years of buffalo, gunfighters, and the rise of the cattle trade. Irrigation, feedlots, meat packing, dairies and now a cheese plant. Dodge City now has over 27,000 residents and is a testament to entrepreneurship and diversity. In my memory, however, what sticks out in the history of
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Arthritis Foundation, Inc. 2018 Walk to Cure Arthritis

Rebein Brothers, P.A. is honored to participate in the Arthritis Foundation, Inc. Walk to Cure Arthritis for the second year in a row! This cause is important to us because Team Rebein member Attorney Melody Manning has Rheumatoid Arthritis. Attorney Manning was kind enough to share her story. P: What is the clinical name for
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Congrats to Clayton Kerbs!

Congratulations to Clayton Kerbs who has been elected President of the Kansas Bar Association Young Lawyers. This is a very prestigious and important position. Clayton has climbed through the ranks to become President. Clayton helps represent young lawyers in every aspect of their practice and works hard to make sure they are successful. Of course,
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New Sign

We recently put a new sign out in front of our building. My brother, Tom, helped build it. It is beautiful. It brings back memories of when I came to work for a great country lawyer, Jack Dalton. Our building was in downtown Dodge City. The building was unique, had no windows and featured a
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