Truck Accidents in the Midwest

In Western Kansas, we depend on the trucking industry for the delivery of our agricultural products to the rest of the world. There are thousands of trucks on the Kansas highways and through our midwest cities every day. Over the years, I have represented many truck drivers and companies in truck accident cases. The great
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Truck Accidents in the Midwest

In Western Kansas, we depend on the trucking industry for the delivery of our agricultural products to the rest of the world. There are thousands of trucks on the Kansas highways and through our midwest cities every day. Over the years, I have represented many truck drivers and companies in truck accident cases. The great
Categorized: Car and truck accidents, David Rebein  |  Tagged: , , , , ,

The Country Lawyer and the Blame Game

I am a trial lawyer. My cases involve unfortuanate tragedies where a loved one has been maimed or even killed by another person. Usually, it is not difficult to figure out what happened. Someone was drunk and driving or fell asleep and crossed the road or was texting and not paying attention. It is hard
Categorized: David Rebein, Dodge City  |  Tagged: , , , , ,

I’m a Better Attorney for Making House Calls

I put about 40,000 miles on my truck a year. I have cases all over the state and some across the country. I have a nice office and, of course, meet clients in the office. But many times, and maybe most of the time, I travel to meet the client. Why? I find that meeting
Categorized: David Rebein, Dodge City, Uncategorized  |  Tagged: , , , ,

Congrats to Clayton Kerbs!

Congratulations to Clayton Kerbs who has been elected President of the Kansas Bar Association Young Lawyers. This is a very prestigious and important position. Clayton has climbed through the ranks to become President. Clayton helps represent young lawyers in every aspect of their practice and works hard to make sure they are successful. Of course,
Categorized: Dodge City, General  |  Tagged: , , ,