3 Things You Must Do if You’re in a Car Accident

Car accidents happen in a split second. You are stunned, hurting and probably angry at the other driver. That’s why it is important to know in advance what to do if you are in an accident. Here are my three ‘must do’ recommendations: 1. Take photographs of the scene before you move your vehicle. These
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The Ups and Downs of Being a Trial Lawyer

Being a trial lawyer has a lot of ups and downs. Just the other day, I was in a mediation on a case where we received a very good offer. I was very happy. But while I was wrapping up the mediation, I got an urgent call from my office that a judge had dismissed one
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Police shot 984 People to Death in 2015

According to a year-long investigation by the Washington Post, police shot and killed 984 people in 2015, more than double the usual yearly average: https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/final-tally-police-shot-and-killed-984-people-in-2015/2016/01/05/3ec7a404-b3c5-11e5-a76a-0b5145e8679a_story.html African-Americans were killed at three times the rate of whites. Although unarmed black men make
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