Bringing in the Experts

I don’t hesitate with bringing in the experts, the success of many personal injury cases hinge upon expert opinions. Personal injury cases often involve unique situations that can be difficult when trying to prove certain situations or quantify damages. Experts play a wide variety of roles in different types of cases so when I have
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Negotiating Favorable Settlements

Negotiating a favorable settlement for my client is one of the best parts of my job as an attorney. Being able to recover a settlement and deliver that news to my client, brings me so much happiness. I think its a common misconception that most cases are taken to trial, when in fact, it’s actually
Categorized: Personal Injury, Tampa  |  Tagged: , , , ,

Lawyers Make House Calls

Believe it or not, I make house calls often. And I actually prefer it. The law office setting seems designed to make a person nervous and can inhibit any real communication. I might be on to something, maybe I need to look into a remodel of the office. Joking aside, I prefer to meet clients on
Categorized: Dodge City, General  |  Tagged: , , , ,

Justice for Victims of Crime

I am passionate about gaining justice for victims of crime. A question I’m often asked is, ‘How do you go about this?’ Depending on each case, there are different ways to go about each scenario. In many instances, negligent security can be the root of the problem. In these cases, we sue the owner of
Categorized: Personal Injury, Tampa  |  Tagged: , , , , ,

Western Kansas Roadways

I live in Western Kansas and with that, comes an unusual amount of truck traffic. The extreme traffic on Western Kansas roadways isn’t news to anyone living here. We have two large packing plants in the area which means there are several thousand trucks coming into Western Kansas delivering cattle and several thousand trucks out
Categorized: Car and truck accidents, Dodge City, Personal Injury  |  Tagged: , , , , , ,