It Takes a Village

It is true what they say, it takes a village. My Brother Paul and I have often remarked on the wonderful people that work with us. Assembling a great team is a big part of being able to help clients and we have amazing people in both Dodge City and Tampa. We surround ourselves with
Categorized: Class Action, Commercial Litigation, Dodge City, General, Personal Injury  |  Tagged: , , , , ,

Lawyers Make House Calls

Believe it or not, I make house calls often. And I actually prefer it. The law office setting seems designed to make a person nervous and can inhibit any real communication. I might be on to something, maybe I need to look into a remodel of the office. Joking aside, I prefer to meet clients on
Categorized: Dodge City, General  |  Tagged: , , , ,

Western Kansas Roadways

I live in Western Kansas and with that, comes an unusual amount of truck traffic. The extreme traffic on Western Kansas roadways isn’t news to anyone living here. We have two large packing plants in the area which means there are several thousand trucks coming into Western Kansas delivering cattle and several thousand trucks out
Categorized: Car and truck accidents, Dodge City, Personal Injury  |  Tagged: , , , , , ,

Thank you to Doc Mather

Doc Mather is a true cowboy – heat has spent a lifetime working on some of the biggest ranches in the country. Doc was in an accident that killed his wife and very nearly killed him. After surgeries and rehab, he is finally able to walk again. He is one tough guy. We are wrapping
Categorized: Dodge City, Personal Injury, Uncategorized  |  Tagged: , , , ,