Docket Day

In the rural Kansas counties, the District Judge will travel to the small counties in the district usually once a month. Routine business is handled on a “docket” where the Judge will call the docket, case by case, and the lawyers will inform the judge of the status of the case. Minor hearings might also
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A Little Uncommon Sense

From time to time, I will hear someone say: “What we need in this country is a little common sense.” I know you’ve all heard it too. I think I know what they mean and I don’t disagree with the notion. But may I suggest that we can do with a little “uncommon sense” too.
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Country Lawyer Approval Rating

When we think of approval rating’s we usually think about politicians. Right now the Kansas Governor and the President have approval ratings in the low 30’s. A politician can feel good if 50% of the people approve of the job they are doing. You know I pride myself as a Country Lawyer and we struggle
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It’s Not All Work

Sometimes I get asked, “Aren’t you working all the time?” Not really. Case in point. Rebein Brothers sponsored the Kansas Bar Association ‘Fire & Ice’ after-party in Manhattan last month. The KBA hosts their annual meeting each year, which includes a black-tie dinner followed by a cocktail/social event in which we were honored to host.
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