We’re All In This Together

Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma remind us that we are pretty small and fragile when it comes to a natural disaster. A hurricane doesn’t care what your political beliefs are or how much money you have or whether you have Jesus on speedial. The sheer power and force is awesome and humbling and not much
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Docket Day

In the rural Kansas counties, the District Judge will travel to the small counties in the district usually once a month. Routine business is handled on a “docket” where the Judge will call the docket, case by case, and the lawyers will inform the judge of the status of the case. Minor hearings might also
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A Little Uncommon Sense

From time to time, I will hear someone say: “What we need in this country is a little common sense.” I know you’ve all heard it too. I think I know what they mean and I don’t disagree with the notion. But may I suggest that we can do with a little “uncommon sense” too.
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Country Lawyer Approval Rating

When we think of approval rating’s we usually think about politicians. Right now the Kansas Governor and the President have approval ratings in the low 30’s. A politician can feel good if 50% of the people approve of the job they are doing. You know I pride myself as a Country Lawyer and we struggle
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