Dangerous Roads: Florida Truck Accidents

There are numerous accidents everyday in Florida, but many of them involve trucks. I drive to work on Interstate 275 in Tampa and at all times of the day, the highway is not only crowded with cars but also 18-wheel tractor trailers. As you can imagine, this makes for dangerous situations with stop-and-go traffic. It
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In Search of Atticus Finch

I’d say most of you have read the book or watched the movie, “To Kill a Mockingbird”. In the story Atticus Finch is a country lawyer. He is an integral part of his small town. He is well-respected and known as a fair-minded man. He is not rich or famous but he lives by a
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5 Things You Should Know About Attorneys

1. We work on a contingency fee basis. This means that we don’t make any money on the case unless we win. You pay nothing up front. This is great news for you. If we agree to take your case, you know we have a vested interest in you and your case and we’re going
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Bringing in the Experts

I don’t hesitate with bringing in the experts, the success of many personal injury cases hinge upon expert opinions. Personal injury cases often involve unique situations that can be difficult when trying to prove certain situations or quantify damages. Experts play a wide variety of roles in different types of cases so when I have
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Thank you to Doc Mather

Doc Mather is a true cowboy – heat has spent a lifetime working on some of the biggest ranches in the country. Doc was in an accident that killed his wife and very nearly killed him. After surgeries and rehab, he is finally able to walk again. He is one tough guy. We are wrapping
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