Country Lawyer Approval Rating

When we think of approval rating’s we usually think about politicians. Right now the Kansas Governor and the President have approval ratings in the low 30’s. A politician can feel good if 50% of the people approve of the job they are doing. You know I pride myself as a Country Lawyer and we struggle
Categorized: Dodge City, General  |  Tagged: , , , , ,

Country Lawyer, Not Politician

I find it hard to watch interviews of politicians and its almost impossible to watch political debates. This is because I have been trained as a country lawyer. Country lawyers have a code. First, as a Lawyer, your word is your bond. In Kansas, and especially rural Kansas, lawyers deal with each other over and
Categorized: Dodge City, Personal Injury  |  Tagged: , , , ,

The Power of a Referral

Fake news! I had never heard that term until a few months ago. No matter your politics, it is hard these days to know what to believe about a product or a service. When it comes to lawyers, it is a real challenge to select the best lawyer for your case. Some lawyers advertise but
Categorized: Class Action, Commercial Litigation, Dodge City, Estate & Trust Litigation, Personal Injury  |  Tagged: , , , ,

Country Lawyer

People often ask me: “What kind of lawyer are you?” I always answer: “I am a country lawyer.” They just look at me funny. I guess that’s not a very good answer. But it’s true. I have cases in faraway places and am almost always opposed by big city lawyers, but I am known as
Categorized: Dodge City, General  |  Tagged: , , , , ,