The Power of a Referral

Fake news! I had never heard that term until a few months ago. No matter your politics, it is hard these days to know what to believe about a product or a service. When it comes to lawyers, it is a real challenge to select the best lawyer for your case. Some lawyers advertise but
Categorized: Class Action, Commercial Litigation, Dodge City, Estate & Trust Litigation, Personal Injury  |  Tagged: , , , ,

Country Lawyer

People often ask me: “What kind of lawyer are you?” I always answer: “I am a country lawyer.” They just look at me funny. I guess that’s not a very good answer. But it’s true. I have cases in faraway places and am almost always opposed by big city lawyers, but I am known as
Categorized: Dodge City, General  |  Tagged: , , , , ,

In Search of Atticus Finch

I’d say most of you have read the book or watched the movie, “To Kill a Mockingbird”. In the story Atticus Finch is a country lawyer. He is an integral part of his small town. He is well-respected and known as a fair-minded man. He is not rich or famous but he lives by a
Categorized: Dodge City, Uncategorized  |  Tagged: , , , , ,

Western Kansas Roadways

I live in Western Kansas and with that, comes an unusual amount of truck traffic. The extreme traffic on Western Kansas roadways isn’t news to anyone living here. We have two large packing plants in the area which means there are several thousand trucks coming into Western Kansas delivering cattle and several thousand trucks out
Categorized: Car and truck accidents, Dodge City, Personal Injury  |  Tagged: , , , , , ,